Monday, March 29, 2010

One Last Update... for Now

While I was waiting for the week to pass until my next blood work, we hit a little bump in the road. I had a miscarriage last Saturday the 20th. We were at the Supercross at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington (way cool facility by the way) when I started to get really really bad cramps. They were so bad that I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. They went away after a while, and shortly after I realized that something might be really wrong. The paramedics at the Stadium suggested that I get to the hospital to get checked out because they were pretty sure I had experienced a miscarriage.

On the way out of the stadium we went down thru this special elevator and saw Ralph Sheheen and Jeff Emig (the announcers for the Supercross when it's on TV, usually SPEED). Jeff Emig was also a Supercross champion in the 90's, so that was pretty neat to see. Anyway, they got me out of there quick, and after making an interesting drive out to a nearby gas station in the snow in a golf cart (that's as far as they could take us to get to the car which was parked about a half mile away), we were off to the hospital (by the way, Randy and Russell were awesome for getting out in the snow and getting the car super quick to get back to the gas station to get Patti and me).

So at the hospital, they did some blood work, a couple of different exams, and two sonograms to see if there was anything to see. There was nothing to see on the sonograms anymore, and the blood work came back with my levels being back down around 400 again. They pretty much confirmed the miscarriage and told me to stay on bed rest until I could get to my normal doctor. I went in and they did another pregnancy test to see if I had anymore hormones to detect anything. It came back negative, so my body pretty much took care of everything itself.

I was super down about everything at first, but I've had time to accept it. We know that everything happens for a reason, and God has a plan for us. Personally, I've come to believe that He gave me a second chance to get into shape before I get pregnant again (I definitely needed the motivation hehe). Any who, although we weren't really trying for babies at first, we definitely want to now. We can start trying in a couple of months, and can't wait for more good news! :)

Thanks for reading along, and hopefully it won't be too long before the next update.

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