Monday, February 28, 2011

13 weeks 3 days

Hello again :)

Yet another week has passed and it's like baby fever all around me! I'm so happy for all of my friends who have delivered their little ones in the past couple of days. Congrats to Jen and Zach for delivering miss Quinn Taylor this weekend and to Ashley and Bo for delivering baby Madison Grace just this morning! I can't wait to go visit them both!

In my own personal developments, I'm now just over 13 weeks and feeling better. Today is kind of an exception to that, but overall I think I'm on the upside of all of the sicky stuff. I've still been really tired most days, but I'm thankful for my progress. In the past week, fingerprints have formed on our baby's tiny fingertips, veins and organs are still visible thru its still-thin skin and its body length is starting to catch up to its head - which makes up just about a third of his/her body size now. If we are having a girl, she now has just over 2 millions eggs in her ovaries! Who would have thought that 25 years ago when I was just a few weeks along growing inside my mom that my little one was already inside of me waiting for the day to start turning into a litte person! Absolutely crazy! Who can say there is no God for all of the incredible things He's created? Tiddle is about 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

My belly looks and feels like it's grown a bit over just the past couple of days. I'll try to get some more consistent belly pics going over the coming weeks and post them. I'm thankful to all of the support and advice I'm receiving from everyone, so keep it coming! I love hearing all of your personal stories and learning all kinds of little tricks and helpful tidbits of different products to try out and different remedies that have worked for you.

My next doctor's appointment is on March 8 and we'll get to hear our little heart beat again, can't wait!


  1. Hi Chrissy! Thanks so much for keeping us posted on your progress! I am full of joy at the prospect of becoming a great aunt! Not that I wasn't great already, but you know what I mean. Little Tiddle (hey, that rhymes) is already amazing. Really the size of a shrimp...really! Love and miss you sweetie. Hug Russell for me. Love, Auntie Alicia

  2. Thanks Auntie! I'm glad you're following :) Love you!
