Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 21

Wow, so I'm 21 weeks now! I can't believe that my whole pregnancy is already over half-way done. It is really flying by. I thought it would never end at the beginning when I was feeling so sick all the time. During week 21 we finally gave our little guy a name and started feeling some pretty powerful kicks!

As you may already know, the boys on Russell's side of the family have RCA initials, so keeping with that tradition, we are naming our boy Ryder Cole :) I love it! He certainly is growing a lot now, and I'm getting bigger at a really fast rate. No stretch marks yet tho, so that's good! Keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't get any!

One night after Ryder finally started going by his real name instead of Tiddle (bitter-sweet lol), I was lying on the couch and started to feel him kicking away. I told Russell and he put his hand on my lower belly and Ryder kicked him hard three times! It was so cool! I had felt little flutters and slightly distinguishable movements up until now, but he really gave us a good kick that time! I was so glad that Russell got to feel him! We were both so happy. It was like our first thing that we did as a whole family hehe :)

Right about now on average, Ryder should be about 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. I can definitely start to feel like he's going to be a soccer player like his daddy with all the kicking and nudging he's been doing. In other developments, his eyebrows and lids are present now.

As for me, I'm feeling pretty comfortable these days with the exception of the occasional leg cramp. Funny story about that...I woke up in the middle of the night with a KILLER charlie horse in my left calf and it hurt so bad that I was kind of yelling for help from Russell to rub it out for me. Well, he instantly woke up and attempted to help, but he had been lying on his arm and it had fallen asleep. He could barely move it, and was trying so hard to help and I was laughing and crying out in pain at the same time haha. Leg cramps are pretty normal about now too, and they are pretty annoying to wake up to in the middle of the night. At least Russell provides some comic relief for me when I'm in distress :)

Here is a picture of what Ryder might look like about now:

And I feel totally huge in this picture:

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